Should you give a recorded statement to the insurance company? After an accident, figuring out the next steps can get confusing. Handling medical proceedings, insurance details, and vehicle repairs or replacements can get overwhelming – but it’s crucial to do your due diligence to ensure you get the best outcome following the incident. Personal injury lawyers regularly receive questions regarding giving a statement to an insurance company. See why it’s probably not in your best interest to do so below.
What is a Recorded Statement?
First thing’s first: what is a recorded statement? A recorded statement is a documented account of what occurred during an accident. When you get into a car accident, truck accident, bike accident, or anything in between, you have to file a claim with your insurance provider. Recorded statements are an extra step that provides more context to the insurance company. Typically, they can come in the form of a written statement or a recorded statement.
There are several differences between a recorded statement and a written statement. A recorded statement is typically a voice recording in which you give your account of an accident. A written statement allows you to sit down and write your account with a bit more reflection on the event and forethought into phrasing. One is a lot more off-the-cuff, and the other allows for a bit more planning. A written statement is also different than a police report, which should be filled out soon after the accident to ensure proper documentation.
Giving a Statement to Insurance Company
That all begs the question: should you give a recorded statement to the insurance company? Or should you avoid providing a recording? After an incident, an insurance company may encourage you to provide a recorded statement to expedite the information-gathering process. Written statements take longer to write, and they cannot proceed until they receive that information. That’s why it is within their best interest for you to provide a quick statement verbally – it can be completed in minutes.
However, your insurance company’s best interest should not be your priority after an accident. At the end of the day, insurance companies prioritize their profit. Nearly any personal injury attorney will recommend you do not give a recorded statement to the insurance company. What you say in that recording can have a significant impact on the outcome of your claim or any legal proceedings that follow an accident. That’s why it’s crucial to involve a lawyer in the process from the beginning to ensure you are protected and get the compensation you deserve from an insurance provider.
The Other Party’s Insurance Company
After a vehicle accident, if the other driver’s insurance company tries to get in touch with you for a statement, do not provide it. What you say can be used against you and result in a much worse outcome for you. Say you would like to get in touch with an attorney first. Do not share any additional information with the representative.
Make it Clear
When you talk with your insurance company (after seeking legal consultation), make it clear that you do not wish to be recorded. You can still provide information and answer questions about the incident without providing a recorded statement to the representative. You do not have to answer any questions you’re unsure of, or sign anything without a lawyer present. Just politely request to wait until you have legal representation before proceeding.
Giving a Statement to Insurance Company: Things to Consider
Whether written or recorded, it’s important to follow best practices when providing a statement to an insurance company. A misstep can result in lower compensation and other frustrating issues. That’s why you should get in touch with your Denver personal injury attorney before doing anything. See the most important things to consider when providing a statement below:
Only Provide the Facts
There is no need to provide speculation or excessive detail about an incident to an insurance company through a statement. Simply stick to the facts and answer the questions you are comfortable with answering. Ask for clarification if you are at all confused about a question they ask. If you do not have a firm answer to a question, tell your insurance provider that you do not wish to answer that question at this time. When it comes to providing a statement, less is more. Do not guess anything that you do not know for certain. Oversharing or providing inaccurate information can lead to a lot more issues down the line.
Do Not Admit Fault
Do not admit fault at any point in your statement. That includes saying you’re sorry or regret anything about the accident. Regardless of what occurred during the incident or how you feel about it, you cannot say anything that admits fault during your statement because it can ultimately hurt your case.
Do Not Discuss Outcomes
When it comes to personal injury cases, all the symptoms and outcomes of the crash may not be completely apparent by the time the insurance company gets in contact with you. Additional issues may arise after the fact and the documented information may not stand the test of time. That’s why you should never discuss the outcomes of an incident with your insurance provider. A lawyer can properly navigate this conversation so you can get better results from the case.
Do Not Accept a Settlement
Sometimes, accepting a settlement offer seems like a good idea in the moment, because it can provide faster results and put a case to rest. However, chances are their settlement offer is not the best they can do. A Denver personal injury attorney can handle the discussions between insurance companies and get the best possible outcome. Once a settlement is signed and accepted, there is no undoing it, so you should definitely explore your options extensively before accepting the first option they offer.
Giving a Statement to Insurance Company: The Bottom Line
At the end of the day, the importance of giving a statement to insurance company changes on a case-by-case basis. Regardless of how an even occurred or who was at fault, personal statements are best handled by a qualified personal injury law firm. They have the legal knowledge and experience with insurance companies to ensure you get a solid settlement and do not lose out on compensation that you deserve.
Navigating a personal injury case can be extremely stressful – but with the help of a lawyer you can rest assured that it is handled by a professional who has seen it all before. After you receive medical attention for any injuries, your next priority should be getting in touch with a lawyer.
Get Support with Giving a Statement to Insurance Companies
Were you injured in a car accident, truck accident, bike accident, pedestrian accident, or other incident? Do not navigate the insurance process alone. Whether you need help providing a statement, seeking compensation for injuries or damages, or anything in between, it is best handled by and experienced legal professional. CO Trial Lawyers is a personal injury attorney dedicated to achieving the best outcomes for your case.
Get in touch with our personal injury law firm today to get your free case evaluation.